Six recipients from across Canada recognized for their ground-breaking work and excellence in Innovation

The Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF) announced the recipients of the ninth annual Governor General’s Innovation Awards (GGIA). These awards recognize and celebrate exceptional Canadian individuals, teams and organizations for their excellence in innovation and their contributions in helping to shape our future and positively impact our quality of life.
Dr. Steven Holdcroft and Dr. Benjamin Britton
Steven Holdcroft’s world-leading research on anion and proton exchange membranes with Dr. Benjamin Britton’s scientific work and entrepreneurial foresight led to the discovery and commercialization of revolutionary clean energy materials. These materials unlock scalable green hydrogen generation technologies and meet hydrogen fuel cell targets, providing a major step-change in cost and performance.
Nominated by Universities Canada and The Royal Society of Canada.
Dr. Kisha Supernant (Chair), Dr. Andrew Martindale, Dr. Lisa Hodgetts, Dr. Sarah Beaulieu, Dr. Adrian Burke, Ms. Micaela Champagne, Dr. Terence Clark, Mr. Stephen Daniel, Dr. Peter Dawson, Mr. Edward Eastaugh, Dr. Colin Grier, Dr. Scott Hamilton, Ms. Sarah Hazell, Mr. Joshua Murphy, Mr. William Wadsworth
The Canadian Archeological Association Working Group on Unmarked Graves (CAAWGUG) developed resources for those affected by the search for missing children and unmarked burials. CAAWGUG has served as an expert panel for Indigenous communities, acted as advocates for Survivors to government, guided private industry, and become a key public voice that has informed opinion and journalism.
Nominated by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Ms. Nuha Siddiqui, Ms. Kritika Tyagi
Erthos has emerged as a beacon of sustainable commercial innovation, surpassing conventional boundaries powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). This biomaterial technology fosters a global shift towards eco-friendly practices. With ground-breaking standards and a projected 70% carbon reduction, erthos sets a transformative benchmark for sustainable solutions, positively impacting the quality of life in Canada and beyond.
Nominated by BDC.
Mr. Christian Bagg
Following a snowboarding accident, Christian Bagg recognized the limitations of existing assistive technology for people with disabilities. Fueled by his desire to independently enjoy nature, he designed the Reach—an adaptive bike tailored to enable individuals with disabilities to explore the outdoors independently. The Reach has benefitted people around the world.
Nominated by Ingenium.
Dr. Kang Lee
Dr. Kang Lee’s ground-breaking research on childhood dishonesty has led to unexpected innovations in legal, clinical, and healthcare practices. His research has influenced diagnosis and treatment of children with behavioural problems; and his invention of a contactless technology for measuring physiological responses is now used by over 10 million people globally for health monitoring and research.
Nominated by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Mr. Laurent Dallaire and Mr. François Bédard
Inneo is a revolution in the food world, being the first bacteriocin approved by Health Canada to eliminate bacteria from food. The team develops and produces innovative natural antimicrobials, offering a new generation of natural preservatives to ensure the naturalness and quality of food from the field to the grocery store.
Nominated by the Association for the Development of Research and Innovation of Quebec (ADRIQ).
The GGIA Selection and Assessment Committees are composed of distinguished individuals chosen for their expertise in and breadth of understanding of the Canadian innovation ecosystem.
2024 GGIA Assessment Committee:
2024 GGIA Selection Committee:
An event celebrating the 2024 GGIA Laureates will take place on May 14, 2024, at Rideau Hall during Canadian Innovation Week (May 13 to 17).