B.C. Teacher Kama Jones Integrates the Education for Innovation Resources into her At-Home Learning Routine

During the pandemic, Canadians across the country have been innovating and adapting to these unique circumstances – perhaps none more than educators and parents!
Kama Dawn Jones is an Art Teacher and Indigenous Graduation Advocate based in Surrey, British Columbia. Like many parents, at the peak of COVID-19 she found herself working from home while simultaneously stepping in as her son’s teacher as he learned from home. We partnered with Kama to integrate our Education for Innovation resources into her homeschooling routine, demonstrating the value they can bring for Canadian parents and teachers navigating remote learning across the country. Along with her son, Kama explored the resources and discovered some of Canada’s great innovations like zippers, peanut butter, and basketball!
“My son and I enjoyed learning about Canadian innovations together and found these resources to be easy to use and learn from. I’m excited to share this with my high school students in the fall, as they touch on many of the components of the new B.C. core competencies. Of course, we’re all needing to be especially innovative with the blended learning structures that COVID-19 has thrown our way!”
Kama Jones, English, Art Teacher and Indigenous Graduation Advocate
Kama shared her experience with the resources on Instagram and encouraged her audience to check out the resources, learn about Canadian innovations that have changed the world, and discover the Innovation Cycle. She was thrilled (as were we!) with the level of engagement and positive feedback she received from her network – check out some of her followers’ responses below!
You can explore our Education for Innovation resources firsthand and get your young learners excited about the incredible Canadian innovations we can all be proud of! Free, bilingual and interactive, they are valuable resources for parents and teachers across Canada!
What do zippers, peanut butter, basketball, and insulin have in common?⠀
They’re all Canadian ???????? innovations! As you know, I’m a BC teacher who’s been working from home while homeschooling my son during this global pandemic. Let’s just say we’ve had to be VERY innovative these past few months.⠀@canadianinnovationspace (powered by Rideau Hall Foundation) is committed to educating young people on great Canadian innovations and inspiring them to become innovators themselves.Education for Innovation (E4I) resources are FREE, bilingual, K-12 lesson plans for teachers and parents to help young Canadians develop their innovative skills and mindsets.These resources support K-12 curriculum across Canada (including the new BC Core Competencies and inquiry-based learning).⠀The multi-touch screen you’re using on your smartphone is a Canadian innovation as well!⠀@canadianinnovationspace FREE E4I resources aim to help young Canadians learn about innovations, develop innovative thinking, and learn about the innovation cycle: Inquire, Ideate, Incubate, Implement and Make An Impact. Find out more at: canadianinnovationspace.ca/resources⠀