Canadian Innovation Week 2023, May 15-19: Celebrating Ingenuity and Inspiring the Next Generation of Innovators

The sixth annual Canadian Innovation Week (#CIW23) is set to take place from May 15-19, 2023. Canadian Innovation Week is a five-day celebration that recognizes and supports ingenuity across all sectors. Created by the Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF) in 2018, the event brings together organizations and individuals from coast to coast to coast to share stories of inspiring Canadian innovators and innovations that are changing the world.
Canadian Innovation Week focuses on highlighting Canadian innovation and inspiring the next generation of innovators. This year, the RHF invites people and organizations to engage in a digital conversation around the theme of “Innovate for Good,” by using the hashtag #CIW23 on social media.
The week-long event features various activities and events across Canada, including the Governor General’s Innovation Awards (GGIA), Ingenious+ Awards, and more.
The General’s Innovation Awards (GGIA) ceremony is an annual celebration that recognizes excellence in Canadian innovation. This year’s GGIA ceremony will take place on May 18th. For more information, and to access the live stream, please visit the Canadian Innovation Space website.
Ingenious+ is a yearly innovation challenge for youth ages 14 to 18 that offers both regional and national awards, providing both funding and mentorship opportunities to the next generation of innovators. The Ingenious+ Awards ceremony, which celebrates the national winners, will take place on May 18th. For more information, please visit the Canadian Innovation Space website.
This year, RHF is presenting innovation theme days to start the conversation during #CIW23.
Day 1 (May 15): Innovate for The Planet
Canadian innovators are working towards a greener and more sustainable future, making significant contributions in various fields such as science, meteorology, education, and more.
Day 2 (May 16): Innovate for Health
Addressing the global health decline, Canadian innovators are making a significant impact in health and well-being. Their groundbreaking contributions in healthcare equity, medical research, and related fields contribute to a healthier future.
Day 3 (May 17): Innovate for Equity Education
Equitable education requires innovation across all sectors, including new techniques, technology-based learning, and community solutions, to close the educational equity gap in Canada and internationally.
Day 4 (May 18): Innovate for Competitiveness
Addressing economic instability through innovative policies, technology, and programs improves the lives of Canadians. Expanding economic opportunity leads to inclusive, sustainable economies globally.
Day 5 (May 19): Innovate for Good
Collaboration, inclusion, and a drive to innovate for good lead to innovative solutions that make a positive impact. Sharing ideas, knowledge, and stories inspire future generations to create a better world.
To learn more about Canadian Innovation Week, including how to participate in the digital conversation and download the toolkit, please visit the Canadian Innovation Space website.
About the Rideau Hall Foundation
The Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF) is a registered national charity that brings together ideas, people and resources to celebrate what is best about Canada while working with partners to meaningfully improve lives and foster the conditions for more Canadians to succeed and thrive. Learn more at